Transformers ED pakistan

In Collaboration with Crescent Bahuman and Diamond Denim by Sapphire Group

September 2021

Transformers ED is an educational seminar series meant for students and consumers who wish to learn about the denim supply chain and understand the environmental impact at each step of production.


This event was recorded Live on on September 14th 15th and 16th 2021. Featuring three days of content focused on the topics of supply chain, sustainability and design, Transformers ED will boast a robust and diverse roster of speakers and panelists. As a community of innovators, creative thinkers, and problem-solvers, we recognize your outstanding careers in digital media and design and would be honoured to have you join our educational seminar series that is inspired by you, dear students!

Event supported by Transformers Foundation Founding members Crescent Bahuman and Diamond Denim by Sapphire Group. The digital Transformers ED event will spotlight solutions being created by leading members of the denim community and help students and consumers understand the inefficiencies and threats facing the denim supply chain – as well as opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Hosting Transformers ED is educator and denim expert Mohsin Sajid founder of Denim History and Endrime.

event PROGRAMme:



DAY 01 Welcome Andrew + Miguel + Mohsin + Rizwan + Ali

DAY 02 Welcome Miguel + Mohsin

DAY 03 Welcome Andrew + Mohsin




Andrew Olah, Transformers Foundation
Cotton (History / Future)

Michael Kininmonth, Lenzing

Manmade Cellulose Fibers


Mohsin Sajid - Endrime® and Denim History, talks to: Rashid Iqbal - NDL, Zaki Saleemi - CBL and Ali Abdullah - Diamond Denim
Panel: Bast Fibers - Hemp

Ebru + Jean, The LYCRA Company
Keep you in the loop with LYCRA®


Chemicals & Dyes


Miguel Sanchez talks to: Alberto de Conti - Rudolf, Andrea Venier - Officina +39 and Roberto Camera - Nearchimica S.P.A.

Panel: Chemicals in Denim

Mariella Noto, ZDHC

Chemical Management in the Denim Textile Industry


Laundry & Finishing


Alice Tonello, Tonello

Innovation in Garment Wash-Downs and Processing Machinery

Salli Deighton, OSD Ltd
Hello my name is Salli and I work in Fast Fashion


Textiles & Garments


Miguel Sanchez, Transformers Foundation
How Denim is Made

Miguel Sanchez talks to: Mr. Suat Ozdemir - Crescent Bahuman / Michele Biancamano - Diamond Denim / Mr. Mazhar Qayyum - Naveena Denim (NDL)

Panel: Challenges of Denim Fabric Production


Towonda Vaughns & Ampelio del Lago, Artistic Fabric Mills

Recycling in Denim Production

Kelly Burton, Material Exchange

Sourcing Business of the Future



Miguel Sanchez, Transformers Foundation & Naurin Muzaffar from Crescent Bahuman

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Henry Wong, AGI Denim


Ariadna Alcalde, Eco Intelligent Growth

Circular economy in the framework of Cradle to Cradle


Miguel Sanchez talks to: Ayesha Barenbladt, Remake & Rizwan Beyg

Social Justice in Fashion

Naveed Asghar Sheikh, YKK

Sustainability Vision


Career Development

Zaki Saleemi - CBL talks to Dr. Ahsan Nazir - National Textile University, Faisalabad

Rowan Hunt, Denim Research

Research Well to Design Better

Mohsin Sajid - Endrime® and Denim History, talks to: Shahzada Munawar - Crescent Bahuman & Jorgen Sevild - Inqova

Interview about 3D Design / Visuals


Sadia Rafique, Endrime® and Denim History

The Art of Storytelling in Denim

Nick Williams, 4th Avenue Graphics

Sustainable Graphics Branding and Packaging


Lorena MariscaL, Crescent Bahuman

JEANSPIRATION: From Inspiration to materialised Denim

Ali Abdullah - talks to Shafqut Rasool, Sapphire

Interview with Local Denim Brand Sapphire




DAY 01 Closing Miguel + Mohsin

DAY 02 Closing Miguel + Mohsin