The Truth Series: Season 2 Ep.2 “Waste & Circular Systems”

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the influx of information out there? 

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to decipher what is right and who is credible

That’s why we’re back with Season 2 of THE TRUTH.

A series of episodes where we bring in the top experts from around the world to investigate the FACTS and bring the TRUTH to the table.

The Truth Series: Season 2 Ep.2 “Waste & Circular Systems”

How do we proactively eliminate waste in the fashion and denim supply chain? Upcycling, recycling, composting all have a part to play in a circular economy where waste becomes the beginning for new materials. But, what are the systems in place that fuel fashion’s excessive waste problem and how do we move into a system that prevents it?

Register to gain a true understanding of the circular economy.

Let’s get down to the truth about fashion waste.



Transformers ED Amsterdam


OECD Side Session